Since the introduction of the Echo to Eureka in patch 5.1, it became possible to much more easily level solo in Eureka than previously. Of course, Eureka itself is community-minded content, but feel free to use this information if you ever need to level solo.
This page continues from the Solo Leveling in Pyros page.
For general information about Hydatos, please check the Hydatos page. Eureka leveling has some basic principles you should familiarise yourself with from the solo leveling page, before diving deep into Hydatos tips here.
General Guidelines
- Always keep up your food buff, Potion of Harmony, and Hydatos Elemental buff. Use Eurekan potion whenever available.
- Hydatos is blessed with 100% mutation / adaptation rate so be absolutely sure to keep an eye on those conditions (solo leveling guide).
- Avoid grinding enemies that spawn a fate, they don't mutate or adapt so are less efficient to grind. FATEs only drop crystals if your level is higher, same level of the FATE or one level lower, so don't bother joining the train when its on FATEs that are too high for you.
- Teleports unlock at levels 51 and 55. Moving around Hydatos is very easy through the middle down, and the entire "coastline", bottom area of the map is free of almost any enemies.
Basic Logos
These are the most useful actions to use while solo leveling:
Logogram | Reason | |
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Spirit of the Remembered |
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These provide defense against physical and magic damage. They only last 30 minutes each, so it's worth just applying them when you have them and not focusing on keeping them up all the time. | |
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Wisdom of the Platebearer | This increases your HP and reduces damage taken, so it is incredibly useful when solo leveling. If you are a tank, it is worth using Wisdom of the Martialist instead. |
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Bloodbath L | Bloodbath converts part of your damage dealt into HP, it allows for big pulls and helps keeping up the chain. Great when paired with an offensive Wisdom for your job. |
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Reflect L | This causes any magic damage to be reflected back to the caster, allowing for easy leveling through some higher-level enemies. In Hydatos, Reflect L is best used at 58-60 range, but it can be used on 51-58. |
Of course, you can play around with as many actions as you want.
Important Steps
- Level 51: Attune to Unverified Research Aetheryte
- Level 55: Attune to Dormitory Aetheryte
Quest Locations:
Levels 50 - 58: Focusing mutations/adaptations
Grind enemies 1-2 levels above you that can adapt or mutate and work on your Challenge Log. If you can, leave sprites for levels 58+, unless you're hurrying to finish the log before reset day (tuesday).
Mobs in Hydatos always mutate or adapt under certain conditions (day/night and weather) , when they have done mutating/adapting they will give more experience. As the solo leveling page suggests, you can use the bestiary to focus on the right enemies.
Keep in mind that mobs that often change element when they mutate. So, try to get their HP down low before they mutate to make it easier, if you have a stun ability you can use it after they've mutated or adapted for extra safety (don't stun them before mutation happens though).
You can try to get in a group and join for FATEs that are around your level as they spawn. The closer in level they are the better the experience gain. Skip FATE's that are 2+ levels higher while levelling. Hydatos is a bit cursed when it comes with fate crystal drops, ranging from 5-10 crystals per FATE (with exception of special support fate that drops 30). Also, you do not get any drops if you're more than 2 levels under the FATE level. So, your best option is to level as fast as possible so you can start benefitting from FATE train more. If a FATE spawns that is around your level, you can join it. If it's more than 2 levels higher, ignore it. Getting experience from 2-3 mutated enemies will usually outweigh the experience from too high level FATE.
Again, keep in mind that grinding enemies that can mutate or adapt is strictly better than doing FATEs. For fastest leveling possible, skip FATEs altogether.
Fate Name | Fate Boss | Level | Spawned by | Coords |
I Ink, Therefore I am | Khalamari | 50 | Xzomit | (11,24) |
From Tusk till dawn | Stegodon | 51 | Hydatos Primelephas | (9,17) |
Bullheaded Berserker* | Molech | 52 | Val Nullchu | (7,21) |
Mad, Bad, and Fabulous to know | Piasa | 53 | Vivid Gastornis | (7,14) |
Fearful Symmetry | Frostmane | 54 | Northern Tiger | (8,25) |
Crawling Chaos | Daphne | 55 | Dark Void Monk | (25,15) |
Duty-Free* | King Goldemar | 56 | Hydatos Wraith | (28,23) |
Leukewarm Reception | Leuke | 57 | Tigerhawk | (37,26) |
Robber Barong | Barong | 58 | Laboratory Lion | (32,24) |
Stone-cold killer* | Ceto | 59 | Hydatos Delphyne | (36,13) |
Crystalline Provenance** | Provenance Watcher | 60 | Crystal Claw | (32,19) |
I Don't Want to Believe*** | Ovni | 60 | - | (26,28) |
Expedition Support**** | Tristitia | 60 | - | (18,28) |
* These three fates all have rare drops to get a 7th magicite. Molech's Horn, Goldemar's Horn, Ceto Claw.
** Provenance Watcher is the instance boss of Hydatos, You can get Crystalline Scale from this fate at lvl59+
*** This fate spawns periodically if there are 8+ lvl 60 characters in the instance. The fate is needed to enter the Baldesion Arsenal. Dispel L is highly recommended.
**** This fate only spawns when the Baldesion Arsenal is being done, completion of this fate is needed to weaken Absolute Virtue. Dispel L and Feint L are highly recommended.
Level 58 - 60: Keep focusing mutations/adaptations (First Way)
There are two ways to level from 58 to 60 efficiently. If you are solo you can focus on Hydatos Squibs which can adapt at any given time, Val Gorpokkurs during daytime which is when they can mutate and Val Moles during nighttime which is when they can mutate.
You can also join lockbox farm groups at this point. Because they are killing level 64-65 enemies, experience gain will be really high and it's usually the quickest method if you are lucky to find such a group.
If you want a more relaxed way of leveling, you can make use of Reflect L just like in Pyros, outlined below.
Reflect leveling in Hydatos
Spot 1: Level 51-58
An alternative way to level from level 51 to level 58 is using the Logos action Reflect L. This method is most efficient at level 52.
Focus mammets and ONLY during the DAY, because they mutate at nights and deal physical damage then. You also shouldn't stand in their AOEs, just run around. This spot is quite slow because mammets attack rather slowly, and the night mutations can be annoying, so it's not a recommended strategy for leveling, but it's possible if you prefer this and are alone.
To level this way, bring a Reflect L Logos action, remove your gear (or equip something in those slots with low defense). Activate Reflect L some distance away, then pull a Mammet. Don't forget to keep using Reflect L at 3-4 seconds remaining on the buff.
Note that this specific spot, while possible, is quite slow due to how slowly the mammets are attacking and because they can't be farmed during night with Reflect L. It'll be more efficient to focus mutations / adaptations unless you are very bored. This method is most beneficial at lvl 52, if you find yourself at lvl 52 during daytime.
Spot 2: Level 58-60 (Second Way)
The most efficient method to level from level 58 to level 60 is using the Logos action Reflect L.
At the south-east part of the Hydatos map there is an island. On this island Sprites will spawn during any weather but fair skies. The only damage they do is magical damage, so it gets reflected back to them as long as you have the Reflect L buff up (Thunder sprites reflect back physical damage when Shock Spikes buff is up so don't accidentally auto attack them or you'll die from your own auto attacks). If you have a low defense more damage will get reflected back to them, so remove your gear (or equip something with very low defense). Get a Reflect L Logos action ready and activate it before you run to the sprites. Once you're nearby them activate Reflect L again, this will cause them to attack you. The buff lasts ten seconds so make sure to activate Reflect L at 4~ seconds. because if it runs out for even a second you will die.
Some extra notes about sprite island:
- don't touch/auto attack Thunderstorm sprites. Those apply shock spikes to themselves, which reflect physical damage. When you use Reflect, always click away on the map or press escape to make sure you cancel any auto attacks and dont kill yourself.
- if you have a friend, they can help keeping the chain up by bringing the nearby enemies closer to the island and killing them.
For any other questions and concerns about Reflect L farming, check the Reflect L page.
Level 60 friend willing to help?
If you're blessed to have a friend level 60, as long as you're lvl 52, you can get experience (finally) normally while with them in party. In this case, you should also focus M/A enemies, but those that are 6 levels higher from you.
So, if you're 52, your friend 60 - focus level 58 enemies, ideally those that mutate/adapt. You hit 53, move on to lvl 59 enemies, and so on. You can get to 60 in 60-90 minutes this way.
You are even more blessed if your friend is willing to delevel to 58 so they can start helping you right from level 50.
Special Notorious Monsters of Hydatos
A Stone-cold Killer: Ceto
Ceto is a level 59 Notorius Monster that can drop Ceto's Claw, a material you need to acquire for 7th magicite. In order to spawn Ceto, you need to kill Hydatos Delphynes.
Boss abilites
- Sickle Strike: A single hit tankbuster.
- Petrification: Gaze mechanic that will petrify you if you look at the boss. Turn away.
- Abyssal Reaper: A massive point blank AoE. It will one-shot you if you are petrified. Avoid the AoE (and being petrified!)
- Boss has 3 adds that will also cast Petrification. You can look at east for the first safe direction. These adds will periodically change positions, so keep an eye on safe direction to look away when they cast Petrification.
- Boss will also summon another add called Faithless Guard at some point in the fight. Avoid the AoE's and conal cleaves from the mob. At some point this mob will cast Petrattraction, which will draw you near her if you look at her. At the same time as this casts, the other 3 adds will do their Petrification. In order to avoid getting petrified, look at west, and dodge the Abyssal Reaper point blank AoE from Ceto.
Crystalline Provenance: Provenance Watcher
Provenance Watcher (PW) is a level 60 Notorious Monster that will drop Crystalline Scales which you need for the last step of your relic weapon. In order to spawn Provenance Watcher, you need to kill Crystal Claws.
Boss abilities
He starts in fire element, but later changes to ice. It’s good to start the battle with /magiaauto macro, or remember to switch elements as he changes. (REFORGE is when he switches)
- The Scarlet Price: A single target tankbuster.
- The Scarlet Whisper: Frontal cleave, basically he pukes fire in front. Move to the sides/behind.
- Ice and Levin: Boss will call down little AoE's. Dodge them and go inside his hitbox.
- Ice and Wind: Boss summons ice spikes and bigger aoes that do wind damage and blow you up to the air . Avoid all.
- Diffractive break: Raidwide AoE, proximity-based so go a bit further.
- Hot tail: A big line aoe from the front and back. Move to flanks (he does it twice in a row)
- Akh morn: A hard, multi-hitting tankbuser, can be shared.
- When he flies away, look where his copies are, they will run through the arena in a straight line. You can hide on the bridge outside of fate bounds, or find a safe area.
I Don't Want to Believe: Ovni
Ovni is a level 60 Notorious Monster. It doesn't have a regular spawn requirement. Ovni will spawn whenever there are at least 8 elemental level 60 players in the instance who have completed their questlines and unlocked Baldesion Arsenal. First Ovni spawn is guaranteed 20 minutes after an instance is opened, provided there are at least 8 elemental level 60 players who have completed their questlines. It will also spawn periodically every 30 minutes, as long as the instance is not closed. The respawn timer starts after Ovni is killed, in contradiction to other Notorious Monters in Eureka whose respawn timer starts immediately after the FATE(NM) spawns. If Ovni isn't killed but despawned, then the respawn timer is 20 minutes. In order to get experience and Hydatos Crystals from Ovni, you need to be at least level 59. If you are level 60, unlocked the Baldesion Arsenal and get a gold rating from this FATE, you will get a buff called Aetherially Primed which will give you access for entrance to the Baldesion Arsenal.
Boss abilities
- Pull of the Void: Pulls all players near it towards it. Immediately followed by either Concussive Oscilation or Megastorm.
- Concussive Oscilation: Immediately after Pull of the Void. AoE slightly larger than boss hitbox. Get out.
- Megastorm: Massive donut AoE. Marker doesn't appear until ~halfway through the cast. Be either extremely far away or directly beneath the boss. Happens after Pull of the Void.
- Rock Hard: Targets a random player with a small AoE. Dodge it.
- Torrential Torment: A long conal AoE. Dodge it.
- Fluorescence: Boss will gain a damage up buff that can stack up. It must be dispelled with Logos Action Dispel L.
- Ion Shower: Marks random player with a purple arrow. After a few seconds, stuns them and hits them with a small AoE, damaging themselves and anyone in the area around them. A few seconds later, targets them for three successive massive untelegraphed AoEs that deal lethal damage to all players near the stunned player.
- Vitriolic Barrage: Moderate raidwide damage. It can wipe everyone if Fluorescence buff isn't dispelled.
Expedition Support: Tristitia
Tristitia is a level 60 Notorious Monster. It can only spawn if there is a Baldesion Arsenal run going on. In order to spawn this FATE, players inside Baldesion Arsenal must step inside the portals at the same time in the hallway that lead up to Absolute Virtue. When 6 players step inside the portals, the Expedition Support FATE will spawn with some adds first, then Tristitia as a last boss. Just like Ovni, in order to get Hydatos Crystals and experience from this FATE, you need to be at least level 59. And if you are level 60, unlocked The Baldesion Arsenal and get a gold rating from this fate, you will get Aetherially Primed buff which gives you access to entrance into The Baldesion Arsenal. Tristitia drops 30 crystals, as compensation for the time that Ovni cannot be spawned (during the Baldesion Arsenal run).
Boss abilities
- Waterga III: Small AoE that targets a random player.
- Tornado II: A massive donut AoE centered on the boss, with the safe spot inside the boss' hitbox or at max cast range.
- Aeroga IV: Small AoE centered on the boss.
- Spine Lash: Frontal cone AoE.
- Dualcast: Grants Tristitia the Dualcast buff, which will cause the next cast of Aeroga IV or Tornado II to be followed up with the opposite spell with no cast bar or telegraph. This buff cannot be dispelled.
- Shock Spikes: Grants the boss a Shock Spikes buff causing damage to players who attack it with physical damage and stun them. This must be dispelled with the Logos Action Dispel L.
- Mighty Strikes: Grants the boss a Critical Strikes buff that causes all attacks to be critical hits. This must be dispelled with the Logos Action Dispel L.
- Meteor: Unmarked proximity damage centered on the boss. It can wipe everyone if Mighty Strikes buff isn't dispelled.
- Logos Actions Feint L and Dispel L are very crucial to successful completion of this FATE. Apply Feint L immediately after Tristitia spawns and do not let it drop. Always dispel Mighty Strikes and Shock Spikes with Dispel L.