This is the infobox for Logos Actions. You can put it in a page using "Insert" and then "Infobox" then pick "Logos Action" It will give a little menu in here select "Add more information" then just add all of the fields. The order you add the fields doesn't matter
some of these are self explanatory, the ones that aren't i'll add below on how to handle them.
"cast_time:" Just put what the tooltip says. If it's Instant don't put 0. Put Instant
"combination_1:" to "combination_5" Min is 1 max is 5. You can just add all the fields and leave the unneeded ones blank, they will not show up. if you do shift+enter it will go to the next line. do this twice and it'll definitely put it on the following line.
"recast_time:" and "cast_time:" if it's a 10 second r(e)cast the tooltip will say "10.00s" in the field just remove the .00 so it becomes "10s"
"radius:" and "range:" just put it exactly like the tooltip says. "25y" for example.
"title1" just the name of the Logos Action
"affinity:" Here you can add the jobs that can use the logos action. Use the job acronyms. If it's for all jobs (the ones listed below) then you can just put "Any job"
"logos_action_thumbnail" can be used to add an image. just type the filename +file extension as it shows on the wiki and it should show up. This image1 comes with a caption field, can ignore that.
Paladin | PLD |
Warrior | WAR |
Dark Knight | DRk |
Gunbreaker | GNB |
White Mage | WHM |
Scholar | SCH |
Astrologian | AST |
Monk | MNK |
Dragoon | DRG |
Ninja | NIN |
Samurai | SAM |
Bard | BRD |
Machinist | MCH |
Dancer | DNC |
Black Mage | BLM |
Summoner | SMN |
Red Mage | RDM |
StraatJunon (talk) 13:39, 11 July 2020 (UTC)